Minggu, 22 Mei 2016

Magic Bitter Melon Fruit Benefits For Body Health


Magic Bitter Melon Fruit Benefits For Body Health - bitter melon fruit is the fruit that tastes bitter with shapes like squash but the skin was not loud and full of bumps. Although the taste is very bitter, but pare still have fans. It is not much to like bitter melon for your favorite foods, but for the fans pare bitter taste that it actually makes them long. And I'm a big fan of one of the bitter melon fruit.

Bitter melon fruit is usually cooked by pan-fried, fresh vegetables as well as serve as the material for the gado gado. Even recently I found pare the meatball snacks out in the Bandung area. Behind the taste is slightly bitter, bitter melon which has the Latin name momordica charantia this turned out to contain many health benefits.

Magic Bitter Melon Fruit Benefits For Body Health

Ingredients & Benefits Of Bitter Melon Fruit

Here are some of the womb of the bitter melon fruit with a rate per 100 grams:

Energy: 29 kcal
Protein: 1.1 g
Fat: 0.3 g
Carbohydrates: 6.6 g
Fiber: 1.5 g
Calcium: 45 mg
Phosphorus: 64 mg
Iron: 1.4 mg
Vitamin A: 180 IU
Vitamin B1: 0.08 mg
Vitamin C: 52 mg
Water: 91.2 g

It has long leaves and bitter melon fruit pare beneficial to health. Great to have the possibility, thanks to the content fitokimianya such as saponins, flavonoids and polyphenols, glycosides cucurbitacin, momordicin, trichosanat acid, and charatin. In addition, bitter melon also contains fiber, vitamin A, C, calcium, phosphorus, and iron.

The content of the bitter melon fruit is mainly a lot to be utilized in order to increase appetite, can aid digestion and lower blood sugar levels. To be more details, please see the benefits of bitter melon fruit the following:

Magic Bitter Melon Fruit Benefits For Body Health

Can Increase Appetite

Trichosanat acid content and efficacious momordicin can improve digestive function of the stomach to the people who consume can eat voraciously.

Can Prevent Pregnancy

Research on Oentoeng Soeradi and Asmarinah (1994) from the University of Indonesia in experimental animals for the show, the animals were given pare spermatozoidnya be killed. For this reason, people have the assumption bitter melon can prevent pregnancy.

Can Overcome Diabetes

Doctors in India have been using pare to cope with diabetes mellitus because it has a strong hypoglycemic properties. This capability has been demonstrated Suwijiyo of Traditional Medicine Research Center of the University of Gajah Mada. When this fruit extract given to patients with diabetes for 2 weeks, the results on their blood glucose levels dropped significantly. It is estimated that because sulfonylurea compound that is usually found on diabetes medications. Also because sterol his glycosides.

Can Help People with HIV / AIDS

Pare also called the call can be used to help fight AIDS. Research in the US found a protein in the form of compounds or MAP alphamomocharin 30 which can inhibit the breeding of HIV causes AIDS. This study attempted in patients with AIDS. They were given the extract of bitter melon for 3 months increased level of immunity in the body.

Other benefits

Pare that has been used since the days of our ancestors, are believed to reduce fever, can cope with liver disorders, as well as an anthelmintic.

Pare should not be given to children because it can reduce their sugar levels. Those who tend to have low blood sugar levels are also forbidden to eat them. Likewise, pregnant women are feared to have a miscarriage.

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