Senin, 30 Mei 2016

Benefits Eggplant Netherlands For Healthy Body


Benefits Eggplant Netherlands For Healthy Body - Dutch aubergine often enjoyed lately for fresh juices and also delicious. Indeed, the benefits to the health of the eggplant is not so pronounced when you took it only once, but for who frequently consume Dutch eggplant you will feel the enormity of the health benefits of eggplant. Dutch eggplant can be grown in tropical regions namely in the area with a temperature of about 20 to 27 degrees Celsius. Growing at an altitude of 500 to 1000 meters above sea level.

Benefits Eggplant Netherlands For Healthy Body - 1

The benefits of eggplant Netherlands is not separated from the womb, such as vitamin A is good for eye health. Contains vitamin C to increase the body's immunity, Dutch eggplant also contains fiber which is high enough place to constipation as well as create a healthy digestive tract will always be, the benefits provided are also almost the same as the benefits of eggplant purple in general.

Benefit from Dutch eggplant to health can be obtained by juiced as the drink is fresh, not to be eaten immediately because it tastes sour. Young eggplant can be eaten as pickles, and also made syrups and ice cream toppings. etc

Recipes juicing Dutch eggplant

Benefits Eggplant Netherlands For Healthy Body - Juice

Raw material is :

1) 100 grams of eggplant Netherlands
2) 100 grams of red wine
3) 100 grams of yogurt
4) sweetened condensed milk, syrup and honey
5) Shaved ice

How to make :

1) Take all the ingredients and fill the blender, then puree. Leave some red wine as a decoration to drink juice.
2) Enter in the glass dish. Then her glass garnished with grapes, honey, sweetened condensed milk, and syrup.

That is the way to make Dutch eggplant juice. Are you interested to try it. Please just because we This recipe will make you hooked and can enjoy the pleasure of Dutch aubergine. Good luck to make juice from Dutch eggplant that has many health benefits for the body.

Hopefully Articles Benefits Eggplant Netherlands For Healthy Body we share today can be beneficial for you.
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