Jumat, 03 Juni 2016

Lose Weight With Paprika


Lose Weight With Paprika - Most women would want to have a proportional weight so as to increase confidence. But the fact that not all women have the desired weight, many also have problems with excess weight. Moreover, with the increasing number of culinary variety available to difficulties in adjusting the diet. Therefore, it is not uncommon to those who have excess weight are willing to spend a lot of money, in an effort to lose weight, as do treatment liposuction or a strict diet or OCD.

Lose Weight With Paprika - 1

But actually there is another option that is simpler and cheaper as a way to lose weight, that is by eating peppers.

As is known to many people, including families chili peppers, just not containing capsicin, ie substances that pose a spicy flavor. This plant is divided into two types, namely large-shaped sweet peppers and spicy peppers were smaller. Paprika is a plant that comes from South America and can grow in a wide variety of climates. Plant with the Latin name Capsicum annuum L is derived from eggplant or Solanaceae tribe and can grow as high as 50 - 150cm. In Indonesia alone, more peppers cultivated in Java, Bali and Nusa Tenggara Barat.

Highest nutrient content found in peppers are vitamin C, while the most common nutrient content is carotene and vitamin B. The fiber content in the peppers are very good for our body so that it can help you lose weight. By eating the peppers will speed up the metabolism and calories burned will be more. Therefore, it is strongly recommended for people who are trying to lose weight. To get the maximum results in the consumption of peppers, paprika processing should also be done in the right way so that the nutrients in peppers is not reduced or even disappear altogether.

Lose Weight With Paprika - 2

At the time of cooking the peppers should be included at the last moment so that the content of vitamin C in peppers is not quickly evaporate. Paprika once opened should not be left too long exposed to the air because it can lead to vitamin C contained in it will be lost. For people who are dieting can try with paprika juice every day as much as 150 cc. Paprika juice can also be mixed with the other fruit to get different flavors. To cleanse the body, can also consume as much as a quarter cup paprika vegetables every day, do it regularly for four months. But of course to lose weight is not enough just to eat peppers, but also must be coupled with regular exercise and keep eating.

Similarly, how to lose weight with peppers, hopefully article Lose Weight With Paprika we share today can be beneficial for you. Always take care of your health, so you always healthy and fit every day. And diligently exercising every day. Thank You.
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