Selasa, 24 Mei 2016

Strawberry Fruit Benefits For Body Health


Strawberry Fruit Benefits For Body Health - Strawberry is the type of fruits sound very good to eat for a variety of health benefits for the body. Strawberry has the seeds to 200 seeds in the fruit, and also has no less than 700 species in the entire world. One species of Strawberry Fragaria chiloensis L which is said to live and grow in America, Europe and Asia. The other is a species of F. vesca L, it was hailed as the most growing strawberries and also spread throughout the world. F. vesca L, too, who first entered Indonesia and cultivated in many places in Indonesia.

Strawberry Fruit Benefits For Body Health - 1

The benefits of strawberries for health can not be separated from the red color also means plenty of anthocyanin pigments and contain high antioxidants. Anti-oxidants are important substances on various health matters. In addition, strawberries contain lots of vitamin C, fiber, folate, and potassium, and ellagic acid.

Benefits and Benefits for Health Strawberry

1. Can Eliminate cholesterol

Cholesterol is one of the enemy's body, which also causes a lot of diseases are infected and infected. Now you can change your diet often to consume this strawberry fruit. With the nutrients and minerals in the red fruit, then the body's cholesterol can depreciable bit by bit.

2. Can Reduce the risk of cancer

Cancer is a deadly and dangerous disease in human history. Until now the disease is still very scary, even though there is no cure, but the price of the treatment of this disease is also not cheap amount. Ellagic acid content in strawberries make this fruit active to degrade the performance of the cancer, so the risk for cancer can be ignored.

3. Can Reduce the symptoms of a stroke

Strawberry fruit is also helpful in reducing the symptoms of stroke appear. Stroke arise because blood flow to the brain is not smooth or due to blockage of blood vessels to the brain. The anti-oxidants in red strawberry fruit can overcome the problems associated also with stroke, so that the development of stroke can be stopped.

4. Strawberry contains anti allergic and anti-inflammatory

5. Anti-oxidants are also stronger

Concentration of seven antioxidant substances present in strawberry is higher than the fruits and other vegetables, then fruit strawberry fruit is very effective in preventing the oxidation process in the body, the process of destruction of tissue in the body due to free radicals, and also includes the processes responsible for aging.

6. Fruit Strawberry is rich in vitamin C is very useful for growing children.

Strawberry Fruit Benefits For Body Health - 2

7. Fruit is good for Diet

For the dieter is advised to consume fruits that contain no sugar or low sugar. Because sugar is suspect for fat storage as well as a variety of diseases associated with obesity problems. Consuming strawberries nice and also healthy for women who are doing for the dieter program, because in this little fruit sugar content.

8. Can Brighten skin

At Strawberry Fruit also be fruit for good health in addressing wrinkles and dull skin. Consuming strawberries with routine will make your skin more bright, shiny and beautiful.

9. Can Whiten teeth

Health benefits of strawberries for further which can maintain the health of the teeth. Often consume strawberries proven to whiten teeth and also clean the mouth. For yellow teeth are advised to consume and also chew fruit strawberry as simple steps to whiten teeth.

10. Strawberry potent against rheumatism and arthritis.

11. Nourishing Body

Health benefits of strawberries for the next step was to feed the body and provide adequacy on the body's needs for vitamin C. The vitamin C requirement for an adult per day can be satisfied by consuming eight strawberries (98 mg). The need for fiber also can be fulfilled at the same time.

Here are some health benefits of fruit Strawberry for the body that can not be ignored. The benefits will be visible if you consume it regularly on a daily basis, you simply consume 7-10 strawberries in every day to meet your body's needs for vitamin C fiber, as well as other benefits.

Hopefully article Strawberry Fruit Benefits For Body Health can we share today can be beneficial for you. Do not forget to always visit the website to seek other health articles. Thank You.
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