Kamis, 26 Mei 2016

Spinach Benefits For Health


Spinach Benefits For Health - Spinach is a super food with nutrition is a lot in it. So do not be surprised if the spinach into a source of strength Popeye (a cartoon character). After consuming spinach, Popeye became stronger and was able to defeat Brutus is a big man. It is not excessive because in reality too.

Spinach has the Latin name Amaranthus spp. and included in the family Amaratohideae. Spinach is one vegetable that used the leaves for consumption. Ordinary spinach leaves cooked by used vegetable nodes. But now processed spinach increasingly diverse, there is even made into chips.

Spinach Benefits For Health - 1

The content of nutrients contained in 100 grams of spinach leaves was 2.3 grams protein, 3.2 grams carbohydrates, 3 grams of iron and 81 grams of calcium. Spinach is also rich in various vitamins and minerals, namely vitamin A, vitamin C, niacin, thiamin, phosphorus, riboflavin, sodium, potassium and magnesium.

Benefits of Spinach for Health

The content of nutrients abundant in spinach leaves make it as vegetables that are beneficial to health. Well, here we will explain about what are the benefits of spinach to human health.

1. Good for Diet

If you're on a diet, then the spinach is a vegetable that is necessary for your consumption. Spinach contains 20 percent dietary fiber both to aid digestion, prevent constipation, maintain a low blood sugar.

2. Against Cancer

In spinach leaves are flavonoids, which is a phytonutrient that has anticancer properties. A study has shown that flavonoids can prevent cell division in stomach cancer, prostate cancer and skin cancer cells. The content of flavonoids in spinach was also shown to reduce cancer risk by 34%, especially in breast cancer, uterine cancer.

3. Maintain Eye Health

Consuming spinach can help the eye in order to avoid cataracts and macular degeneration. This is due to the carotenoid content, one form of antioxidants that are good for maintaining eye health.

4. Maintaining Bone Health

In addition to maintaining good eye health, spinach is also able to maintain bone health. Spinach contains vitamin K high, in half a cup alone meet the daily vitamin K requirement. Vitamin K is very important to prevent bone loss. In addition, there are other minerals such as magnesium, zinc, copper and phosphorus also helps strengthen bones.

5. Maintain Healthy Skin

A high vitamin content in spinach is able to maintain healthy skin and keep moisture in the epidermis, acne, wrinkles prosiasis up.

6. Boost Immunity

One cup of spinach has been able to meet the daily nutritional needs vitamin A. To protect and strengthen the "entry point" into the human body, such as mucous membranes, respiratory tract, urinary tract and intestines. Also a key component of lymphocytes or white blood cells that fight infection, so avoid various diseases.

7. Anti-inflammatory

Spinach has a high alkaline properties. These vegetables are a perfect choice for people with inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

8. Prevent Cardiovascular disease

These vegetables are a good source of folic acid, also contains choline and inositol. Folic acid works to reduce homocysteine, an amino acid found in the blood that is responsible for the high risk of heart disease. While choline and inositol help prevent hardening of the arteries.

9. Lowering High Blood Pressure

Spinach is a vegetable source of high potassium and low sodium content. The balance of the two minerals are very helpful in lowering high blood pressure patients blood pressure. Folic acid content in spinach also contribute to the elasticity of the blood vessels so that blood circulation becomes smooth.

10. Lowers Diabetes Risk

If you are among those with a high risk of developing diabetes, then consuming spinach are good. Consuming spinach regularly helps keep blood sugar levels to remain stable. The content of magnesium is needed by diabetics to prevent complications.

Spinach Benefits For Health - 2

11. Prevent Anemia

Spinach is a vegetable with a high iron content, so it is suitable for those who have a high risk for anemia. Iron helps the formation of red blood cells that transports oxygen throughout the body.

12. Treat Bleeding Gums

Bleeding of the gums can be caused by lack of vitamin C and too much intake of refined sugar in the body. To fix this you can consume spinach with carrots made juice.

13. Source of Antioxidants

Spinach contains vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, manganese, zinc, and selenium which serves as a powerful antioxidant. Preventing the occurrence of osteoporosis, atherosclerosis and high blood pressure.

14. Preventing Calcification

The content of vitamin K in spinach plays an important role in a process called carboxylation. This is a process that directly prevents calcium from limestone formation in the network. Consuming one cup of spinach regularly can prevent atherosclerosis, heart disease, and stroke.

15. Neuroscience and Brain

The content of vitamin K from spinach also plays an important role in maintaining a healthy nervous system and brain function for the synthesis of sphingolipids (essential fats that form the myelin sheath around the nerve).

16. Digestive Health

Digestive health can be maintained by regularly consume spinach. The content of vitamin A and vitamin C than spinach may protect against colon and digestive tract of free radicals that are harmful to the body. While the content of folic acid can prevent DNA damage and mutations in the cells of the intestine.

17. Growth

Iron is an important mineral for the growth of children and adolescents. In addition, also useful for pregnant women prone to anemia. Spinach contains more calories but remain low in fat and cholesterol-free.

18. Prevent Fatigue

In addition to boost immunity, spinach also can prevent the body's fatigue due to overwork or after illness. Consuming spinach could increase the amount of energy, iron helps increase the production of oxygen in the body.

Hopefully article Spinach Benefits For Health we share today can be beneficial for you. Do not forget to always been in abouthelathbenefits.xyz and find more health articles. Thank You.
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