Senin, 27 Juni 2016

How to Increase Height the Body Naturally


How to Increase Height the Body Naturally - The strength of the back affects posture, including how to stand up to the overall appearance. You'll look taller 2 centimeters if proper body position. As the dancers were seen postures body length when they are not high.

Laura Halzack of the Paul Taylor Dance Company to share the secret of why the dancers tend to look taller. "The key to the strength of the back. If your back is strong, the body used to the proper posture and make you look taller, "he explained. Well, this habit can be trained to perform three types of exercises that can make your body look taller.

How to Increase Height the Body Naturally - 1

1. The Position Upside Down

Position like this yoga pose has two benefits, training strength and stretching. Straighten both legs, lift your tailbone up, lower your body with both hands straight with shoulders. Its position as the letter v reversed. Arrange as usual breath and count to eight times, then rest. Repeat this position twice.

2. Stretching the Back

Fingers crossed fingers behind his neck, then slowly lower the weight, if you pull the head to the toe. Pull as much as possible. Count 45 and hold the breath. Continue the movement by hand to try to touch your toes. Then lift the body and head upward to rely on abdominal strength. This stretching exercises targeting the groin and spine bones. Repeat three times.

3. Train Your Neck and Spine

Prepare to weigh 1 kilogram load such as a thick book or other object that can be placed over the head. Train the balance of the body by putting a load of 1 kg at the top of the head. Hold this position for one minute. Make sure the neck remains straight and does not bend. Neutral shoulder position is not lifted. Concentrate on your breath. This balance exercises accustom the body to stay upright and strengthen the spine. With a posture like this, your body will look higher.

Hopefully this article How to Increase Height the Body Naturally we can share this day can be beneficial for you. Do not forget to always visit the website to seek other health articles. Thank You.
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