Selasa, 07 Juni 2016

5 Benefits Of Garlic For Health And Beauty


5 Benefits Of Garlic For Health And Beauty- The benefits of garlic. Do you not like the smell of garlic? Although garlic has an unpleasant smell, but garlic has various health benefits. Garlic including spices are widely used by the people of Indonesia, India, and other countries. Food is considered incomplete if it is not written with garlic in it. Garlic gives a different flavor to the food. Besides being used as a cooking ingredient, garlic has many other benefits.

Garlic is rich in compounds such as allicin, sulfur, zinc, and calcium have a variety of health benefits, beauty as well as antibiotic and antifungal properties. Garlic is also a rich source of minerals known as selenium. Selenium is known to fight cancer and works with vitamin E in the body to increase antioxidant power. Garlic also acts as a blood thinner because of its salicylate content. This can increase blood flow and improve circulatory health. Here are the benefits of garlic.

5 Benefits Of Garlic For Health And Beauty - 1

1. Treating Asthma

Garlic can be helpful for treating asthma. The trick to mix 10 drops of garlic juice with 2 tablespoons of honey in a glass of water. Drink every day to control asthma attacks.

2. Treat Sore Throat

You do this by mixing the garlic juice with hot water and gargle for treating sore throat.

3. Treating Cough

Add 20 drops of garlic juice to a glass of pomegranate juice. This can help to cure all types of cough.

4. Overcoming Acne

Garlic juice can be used to cure acne. Dab garlic juice to the acne on face for 5 minutes. Do not apply garlic juice to the acne in the long term as applied at bedtime and allowed to wake up, 5 minutes is enough.

5. Treat Baldness

Garlic can be used as a natural remedy to treat baldness. Dab garlic juice to the points of the hair. Do it twice a day and do not get exposed to the eye.

5 Benefits Of Garlic For Health And Beauty - 2

That 5 benefits of garlic for health and beauty. It would be nice, to know in advance if you have a skin that is how. If you have sensitive skin, it is not recommended to use garlic as a base for skin and hair mask. Hopefully article 5 Benefits Of Garlic For Health And Beauty we share today can be beneficial for you. Thank You.
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