Rabu, 08 Juni 2016

Benefits of Figs for Health


Benefits of Figs for Health - fig, known as 'figs' in English, 'figue' in French is not too popular in the country. For Indonesian people, the Christian community is known him with figs, while Muslims know him “Buah Tin”

Common fig or fig (Ficus carica L.) is a kind of fruit-producing plants edible that comes from West Asia. The fruit is the same name. The name "Tin" is taken from Arabic, also known as "Ara" (figs / figs) while in English called fig (common fig; "fig tree common"), is still included relatives of a banyan tree of the genus same, namely Ficus.

The sweet taste of fruit was rich in nutrients and has many health benefits. Although seasonal fruit is often available in dried form. It was also going to be sweeter in dry form and nutritious because it contains vitamins A, B, and minerals such as phosphorus, iron, calcium, and manganese.

Here Are Some Benefits of Fruits Tin That May Not Know You By :

Benefits of Figs for Health - 1

1. Pectin, the soluble fiber can be found in the figs that are beneficial to the digestive system. This soluble fiber also helps clean out the cholesterol that accumulates in the body.

2. Hypertension may occur if potassium levels are too high sodium and low potassium in the body. Common fig Fruits are low in sodium and high in potassium so potent prevent hypertension.

3. Dried Figs contain omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids along with phenol. All of it is useful to prevent coronary heart disease.

4. Figs are also rich in calcium, so good for strengthening bones.

5. Because rich in potassium, figs helps regulate blood sugar. This is beneficial for diabetics.

6. Eat figs effectively treat a sore throat due to the high content of mucus.

7. During this time, figs have also been used for the treatment of impotence. How, soak about 23 figs in milk overnight and eat in the morning.

8. Because the iron content, figs useful to treat anemia.

9. Creamed fresh figs and apply to face, leave on for 10-15 minutes. It is effective for treating acne.

10. Eating figs can restore a sense of fatigue and increases brain power

Benefits of Figs for Health - 2

Such information about Figs or Benefits of Figs for Health can we share in this article. Hopefully this article Benefits of Figs for Health we share today can be beneficial for you. Thank You.
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