Rabu, 15 Juni 2016

Health Benefits of Raw Sapodilla Fruit


Health Benefits of Raw Sapodilla Fruit - Sapodilla fruit ripe has frequently we eat and has a sweet and tasty on the tongue, but have you ever you feel the sapodilla fruit still raw and half cooked. Raw sapodilla fruit flavors have mingled bitter sweet and would make for the consume gummy mouth.

But so, sapodilla fruit raw to have efficacy as well as the benefits for the health of the body, because the content of vitamins and anti-oxidants in raw amber is very much beneficial for the body to be away from the body of free radicals that often affects the skin of the body.

For those of you who do not want to consume Raw sapodilla fruit, here we will provide information on the benefits Raw sapodilla fruit for health, hope to be an inspiration and encouragement for you to consume the sapodilla fruit.

Health Benefits of Raw Sapodilla Fruit - 1

Benefits of Raw Fruits for Health

1. Can Overcome Diarrhea Naturally

Benefits of sapodilla fruit raw to health is a drug, diarrhea or loose stools are very powerful. High fiber content in the raw sapodilla fruit is very good in addressing the problem of diarrhea.

How to apply the sapodilla fruit for diarrhea medicine there are two kinds :

Method 1: Take a Raw sapodilla fruit is still fresh and peeled skin, and scar the flesh as well as brewed with warm water to one cup, let stand for 10 minutes and drink the water until they run out, do this way for 2 times a day.

Method 2: Take the sapodilla fruit, half-cooked or Raw, and remove the skin, remove seeds also give a little warm water and also give 2 tablespoons of honey. Drinking Raw sapodilla juice twice a day.

Health Benefits of Raw Sapodilla Fruit - 2

2. Can Treat Dysentery

Benefits of sapodilla fruit raw to the next health is to treat dysentery. Dysentery can be cured by eating raw sapodilla fruit. Take some sapodilla fruit peeled raw and coolies, chew the flesh as he added a little salt on the fruit, eat little by little until the end of sapodilla fruit. Apply 2 times a day until you disappear dysentery and cured.

3. Can Treating Inflammation of the Mouth

Benefits of sapodilla fruit raw to health can also be a natural cure inflammation of the mouth. The trick is to take the sapodilla fruit and splitting it into several parts (after peeling).and sapodilla fruit that has been cut is boiled with 1 cup of water until the water changes color. Wear this sapodilla fruit boiled water to rinse. Do it until the water runs out, do it twice a day until the inflammation of the mouth healed.

Thus some of the benefits of raw sapodilla fruit for a healthy body. Hopefully with this short article can add to our knowledge of traditional medicine wear natural fabrics such as sapodilla fruit. Hopefully this article Health Benefits of Raw Sapodilla Fruit that we share today can be beneficial for you. Thank You.
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